Brief History
In 1993 and the initiative was the newly Columban lay missionary program. The person who said yes was Fr. Ed Quinn (RIP), who at the time was working in Fiji. The Columban Society had agreed to start a lay missionary program, but each country was to begin implementing the program when it was deemed appropriate. Fiji was anxious to start, so Fr. Ed a veteran missionary who spent twelve years in Korea before arriving Fiji in 1973, volunteered to serve as the first lay missionary coordinator. The assuming of leadership roles with the program by the lay missionaries themselves is most encouraging ...Read more
All over the world, people are calling for life. Hidden within this call is a cry for God and His Kingdom of justice, love and peace. Columban Missionaries have been working in the Fiji Islands, attempting to answer this challenge, for more than 60 years, even longer in some parts of the world.
Recognizing the gifts of the laity as partners of the ordained in mission, Columban Lay Missionaries are inviting local people to work with Columban Missionaries overseas. Likewise, we welcome lay missionaries (LMs) from other countries to come and work with us here. Since 1990, the CLM have been exchanging teams between Pakistan, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Britain, Ireland, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, China, Myanmar and the Fiji Islands. LMs also work in Japan and the US-Mexico border.
What do Lay Missionaries do?
Lay Missionaries are engaged in a wide range of ministries and pastoral activities. some work in catechesis and bible studies as well as in family life, youth and children ministries. Others are involved in programs for the migrants, elderly, the environment, the disabled, women and children. There are also LMs who are engaged in inter-faith dialogue, health and livelihood programs.
Who can join?
- Committed Catholics;
- Between 23 & 40 years old – men and women, single or married;
- Healthy, Form 6/7 Passed, with 2-3 years’ work and pastoral experience;
- Willing to undergo nine (9) months of orientation;
- Able to work with others;
- Has a missionary spirit and deep desire to serve others;
- Willing to commit oneself for at least 3 years in another culture;
- Willing to go wherever they are sent;
- Humble and realizes that it is God who calls to mission; and
- Convinced of the importance of the Church for the life of the world
Lay Missionary Coordinator |
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