Visioning the Future

Frs Carlo, Donal, John and Kolaia - Photos: Vitalina VukinagaunaFrs Carlo, Donal, John and Kolaia - Photos: Vitalina Vukinagauna

Columbans, students, LM, co–workers and companions gathered together for the country assembly on March 9-10, 2021. The first evening was a faith sharing session.

Fr. Frank led the next day with an introduction to the papal encyclical “Fratelli Tutti."

It was very interesting and challenging as well as we reflected on the issues highlighted by the eight chapters. The Aims and Challenges, how to apply our Catholic Teaching during this global pandemic. On fraternity and social friendship.  

The 8 chapters were:

  1. dark clouds cover the world /negative trends in the world today
  2. strangers on the road /reflection on the good samaritan
  3.  vision of an open world /expanding love)
  4. heart open to the world /the plight of immigrants
  5. better politics /a different politics
  6. dialogue and friendship
  7.  renewed encounter /role of religion in Fraternity- Peace building and Reconciliation)
  8.  religion and fraternity (/religious as peacebuilding)

Frs Paul, J J Ryan, Donal, Frank and John prepare for the discussions - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna Frs Paul, J J Ryan, Donal, Frank and John prepare for the discussions - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna

How do we see Columban Mission in Fiji the next five years?

After the tea break the sessions was led by Fr. Aminiasi on Promoting Columban Vocations.

Fr. Pat and Priscilla spoke on Inter Religious Dialogue & CCIM.

Fr. Carlo spoke on Parish Ministry

Na’anise spoke on Lay Mission and

Vitalina spoke on the vision for Columban Mission Office.

The group worked towards on the strategic plan for the years ahead.  Discussions in small groups focused on the six Columban Mission goals.

On the final day Paulo Bale facilitated the morning discussions. Fr. John spoke on the strategic plan and working towards a realistic future based on the recommendations from the writing committee. Small group discussions brainstorming the key areas of Columban mission in the future.

Group discussions, Fr Pat, Amin, John and Naanise - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna

Group discussions, Fr Pat, Amin, John and Naanise - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna

These are:

1. Vocation Promotion

2. Revitalize Columban Companions

3. Support the Archdiocese and encourage it to respond to missionary challenges.

4. Continue to develop Columban Mission office and its programs

5. Develop Columban Lay Mission

6. Columban Parishes.

In the afternoon, there were two groups:

Group one: Younger Columbans and

Group two: The senior Columbans.

John Pickering facilitated the younger Columbans on the topic- Mission and Media; how they can use social media for mission in future.

The older Columbans/ retirement group got together and shared their future plans.

John Pickering facilitating on the topic mission and media - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna

John Pickering facilitating on the topic mission and media - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna 


The group gathered for Mass - Photo: Vitalina VukinagaunaThe group gathered for Mass - Photo: Vitalina Vukinagauna

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