Women in dialogue

Women's Interfaith Group - Photo: Pescila MagdalinWomen's Interfaith Group - Photo: Pescila Magdalin

Women’s Interfaith Group visitation to the blind school in Vatuwaqa, Suva.

It was a hot afternoon in late October 2023 when I took the Suva Women’s Interfaith Group to visit the blind school children in Vatuwaqa as it was part of the decision from the last meeting for charity activity. About five women attended from various faiths took along groceries and cooked food for the children and had a chance to meet the children and talk to them about their life and studies. We introduced ourselves and our women’s group to the children and their teachers. The aim was to outreach to share our faith through charity work.

These children shared their gifts and talents through powerful spiritual songs, typewriting, introducing themselves, reading out alphabets, etc. I could see these children supporting and treating each other with care. Out of the ten students, most of them could speak English fluently.

After the children presented their programs, they were very thankful to the Women’s Interfaith group for the visit and for the food and grocery items brought to them.

Women's Interfaith Group found it very enriching to work together - Photo: Pescila MagdalinWomen's Interfaith Group found it very enriching to work together - Photo: Pescila Magdalin

The women’s group admired them as they focused on their studies, and full of inspiration to find a place in this world, surely God cares about all of us. The children did not complain, although they know they need more effort to succeed. The spirituality seen in this visitation was not being alone, but Gods universal love continues to inspire us all as women of faiths. (reaching out)

At the end of the visitation, the Women’s Group led the Universal prayer for all religions, tradition, culture, blessings, love and respect for each other and we thanked the teachers and children for the lovely program they presented and the welcoming environment.

The Women’s group were inspired through their shared faith and found it very enriching while working together on mutual interests on charity work, we hope it will strengthen the Interfaith relations.


Pescila Magdalin
Interreligious Dialogue Coordinator. 

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