Human Rights Defenders Workshop

USP – 8- 9 March, 2022

“Know your Rights because it comes with Responsibilities”

Target participants:

USP SAS & DFL staff, DLGHR Students, CSO/NGO personnel, Judiciary office

Personnel, Lawyers, Youth officers, Police Officers Family or Social welfare officers, Faith groups, Justice and Human Rights workers, Secondary and Primary school teachers.

The work of Justice is a continuous process and it involves many complexities and issues of life that we need to constantly update and upskill ourselves with necessary knowledge, skills, experiences and  in order  to be able to be effective instruments of Positive Changes in our ever changing world.

Supported by the United Nation and now part of our University of the South Pacific units of studies, the intention is to create new -  young generations with skill sets and knowledge that can respond to the needs of our time in terms of  Humanity, Dignity and Protection of Life by those who stand to defend it.

We are the first University in the Global South to undertake  this which is an indication that we are progressing in Human development and Democracy. Democracy is a tool for Peace building and it is important that we are participating constructively in it to bring Well Being and Peace to our country.

T.Naikasowalu – JPIC – Fiji